Hear Your Way To Miracles (#3)

In the previous two parts of our series, we saw how not everything that uses Christian language is the true gospel (good news) of Christ. We also saw what it means to remain in Christ and trust Him, even when everything around us says otherwise.

Today, we will combine what we’ve learned with more truths of Jesus, to see how hearing the proper message, in the correct way, leads to miracles.

Let’s get started.

Hear Your Way To Miracles (#2)

Welcome to the second part of ur series on hearing and specifically how to hear your way to miracles.

If you wonder where I’ve been the last two weeks, and why this part was delayed— I was in the hospital. Now you might be thinking that if I was in the hospital, what qualifies me to say anything about miracles— That’s an honest question.

My answer to that is, when you are in a hospital, that’s precisely when you need a miracle! You see, people whose lives are in perfect order, don’t need miracles. It’s when things start going sideways, that a miracle is sought. And those of you who’ve read my book, know that I was very sickly over the years; and that those same experiences afforded me the opportunity to see and experience many miracles, which I wrote about in great detail.

And make no mistake, a miracle was seen this time as well, as the doctors couldn’t provide a diagnosis of why I was having very visible symptoms, and all my tests came back clean.

So in this session, I want to share with you another real-life practical example of how what we hear from a spiritual perspective is crucial to success.

Hear Your Way To Miracles (#1)

Over the last few studies, we’ve examined the power of our words, and speech.

Today, we’re looking at the other side of the coin, which is hearing what’s being said, whether that’s in spoken words or written, words.

The scripture gives equal important to hearing, as well as speaking, and just as with our words, you might be surprised how powerful hearing is.

Let’s get started.

Why Perspectives Matter (part 1)

Perspectives are important. The way that we look at things and the angle in which we see them shapes our view, our thoughts, and our feelings. The most important perspective that anyone could ever have, is their perspective of God, and His gospel. The way that we see things can influence the position that we take or the steps that we make.

We touched on this a little bit about a month ago as part of another subject, but this topic is crucial enough that it warrants its own study. Our perspectives specifically of God, His Gospel, and our position in Christ Jesus can literally make or break us.

So today we are going to explore our perspectives regarding Jesus and His gospel, because the scriptures are not silent on this subject; in-fact, proper perspectives are quite important – let’s find out why.

Behold Jesus and Be Transformed

Do you want real transformation? Real miracles? Real change? There is a very interesting section of scripture that explains how real transformation occurs, and I’m exited to share it with you today.

So many people are in need of help; spiritually, emotionally and physically. And all of it comes through one specific channel and one specific source. And it’s much much simple than you may realize. Let’s get started.

Faith is the Key to Miracles

Do you need a miracle today? Would you like to see more miracles in your life? Whether it’s physical, emotional, financial or spiritual, there is a single channel and avenue by which miracles come: faith. Faith is the key that unlocks the power of God in your life. And ironically it is largely ignored in favor of trying to obtain miracles by performance and works.

So today we are going to have a discussion regarding faith and miracles. Because miracles can still very much happen, and the scriptures tell us how. So let’s get started!

You Have Every Gift in Christ

Most people enjoy receiving gifts. For believers, this is also true of spiritual gifts. Now the term “spiritual gifts” has been somewhat misunderstood over the years to mean spiritual realm only with no earthly effects; when in-reality, spiritual gifts are actually gifts from the Spirit of God, which have very great earthly effects. In-fact, the gifts which the Spirit of God gives can completely transform your life, and the lives of those around you as well.

The trouble comes in when people start chasing after these gifts, as if they do not have them; and some have even been taught that the gifts are no longer active and that they are no longer being given.

What I want to share with you today in this study, is how because of the finished work of Christ, in Him you already have been given every single gift. You do not need to strive for, beg for, or plead for God to give you any gift. You do not need to sacrifice in an attempt to merit the gifts, because the sacrifice has already been given – Jesus Christ Himself.

The Foolishness of Galatia

Galatians 3 is a chapter of the Bible that has always made me laugh and cry at the same time. Every time that I begin reading it, it makes me laugh – and then it makes me cry because the same thing that the Galatians were being confused and seduced by, is still confusing and seducing people today.

There are many people who are seeking after God, seeking after His power, seeking after miracles, and many of them are good and honest people who truly desire these things and they want to be close with God with a pure heart. The problem is, that they are being deceived… they are trying to approach God from the wrong angle and with the wrong perspective.

The same thing was happening in Galatia, and as we look at what Paul wrote to them in order to correct their view and remove the deception, it will become clear for us today as well. As we look at this truth today, and see the marvelous Grace and mercy of God for all that it is, we will be free from the same pit that the Galatians were falling in to.

Who’s Your Daddy?

There are literally millions of people who claim to believe in God, and Jesus Christ. Millions of people claim to be part of a vast spiritual family, and claim to be brothers in Christ. The question that I want to pose to you today in this study, is the one in the title… Who’s Your Daddy? Do you know who your daddy is? Do you know His character? Do you know His love? Are you simply existing in a spiritual family that you don’t really know… and if so, what can you do about it?

I had a conversation recently with a person who claimed that they didn’t really know what the will of God was… they didn’t really know what He would do (this happened to be in regards to healing, but the same could be applied to anything really) – this seemed strange to me, because if you have a close, personal, intimate relationship with someone, you get to know them, and you get to know their character and how they respond to things. If you see a couple that has been married for a long time, you find that they know one-another so well that they finish each-others sentences!

So what I want to share with you today, are some things about the character of God, the way in which He has revealed Himself, and how you can get to know Him in a more personal way.