When to Have Patience and When to Move

Patience is one of the hallmarks of Christian living. Oftentimes when roadblocks and spiritual opposition comes our way, we are simply told to be patient— just have more patience. Sometimes being patient is an appropriate response, but other times not, so how do we know when to wait and when to act?

This question can trap many Christians in a form of analysis paralysis, never sure when to take action, and when to simply accept what is happening. So today we are going to explore this vital question, and get a clear picture from scripture of how to proceed in whatever situation we find ourselves.

The Blessings and Promises of God for You (#3): Receiving Your Blessings

Welcome to part 3 of our series on the blessings and promises of God. In the previous segments, we looked at the foundation for the blessings, and why you can have confidence in them. We then proceeded to look at what it means to “know” that you are blessed from a spiritual perspective.

Today we will explore how your blessings come, and how to receive them into your life. While this information is presented in scripture simply, it can be surprisingly challenging to implement for many believers in daily life.

Change Your Lenses, Change Your Life (part 2)

Last week we began a discussion on perspective; how we see the world, and ourselves. And we saw some things last week regarding the promises of God, and how they should inform us regarding our own outlook and estimation of our situation.

Today we are going to continue the conversation by looking at another example: the twelve spies sent to evaluate the Promise Land. And although we have looked at these scriptures before, there is still more for us to see in this account.

So join me today as we continue examining how to change our lenses and change our life.

Healing is Easier Than You Think

Throughout my years in the ministry, I’ve had a lot of conversations with people regarding healing. Healing and finances are actually the two most popular topics – and we have numerous resources on both because of it.

What I have experienced in my time, is that people place healing on a strange pedestal, as if it were somehow more difficult to receive than other blessings, or even more difficult than receiving salvation itself!

This is another classic example of our human mind, reasoning and theology complicating what God has made simple. Healing is not as complicated as we make it out to be; and it’s actually easier than we think!

Join me today, as we explore, how to easily receive healing, as a gift from God, in Christ Jesus.

The Danger of Perceptions

There are numerous examples in the scriptures of God promising things to people; of Him telling them to do seemingly impossible things because He has empowered them. And along with those examples, there are also some instances where people who have been promised things by God, allowed their perceptions to influence their judgment and their beliefs – sometimes to disastrous results.

Perceptions can actually be quite a dangerous trap. The way that we see and perceive can hold us in bondage, and even damage our belief if we do not have a solid foundation in Christ Jesus. And what I want to share with you today is how a Christ-centered perspective is essential for enjoying victory, and how a perspective based on the natural mind and senses, can be dangerous, and sometimes even deadly.

Selfish Prayers Don’t Work! … Or Do They?

If you have listened to the typical “Christian” messages, you’ve probably heard some form of rebuke against selfish prayers. People will typically say things like “You know, God’s not a genie!” – “God’s not here to satisfy you! – He’s Lord and Master!”

Now immediately, I must say that it is true, that God is indeed Lord and Master of all. However, are we truly so ready to accept the idea that God is not the one who satisfies us (in every sense of the word)?
If God is not the one who satisfies us, then who is? Where should we look? If God is not the one who gives to us our needs, wants and desires, then who or what is left?

Do we believe that He wants us to be left unfulfilled and unsatisfied? Is that how a loving Father would treat His beloved children?

Today we are going to answer these questions in the most simple way possible: by looking at Jesus.

Receiving Divine Power

Divine power. Supernatural ability. Going beyond human strength, human limits. Being something more. For years we have been infatuated with the idea of having power – even from the very beginning. It’s one of the reasons we like super-heroes… because they have strength and abilities beyond regular humans.

If we are being honest, “regular” human beings are rather weak on their own. Relying on devices and machines to accomplish most of our advanced tasks… not even the strongest among the animals when compared strength for strength and speed for speed.

Yet we have access to something that these others do not have, we have access to divine power which would actually put our favorite comic book heroes to shame – the kind of power that makes evil forces run and hide in terror. It has been given to us by God Himself.

This probably sounds to good to be true, and you’re doubting it in your mind right now… but I’m going to prove it in scripture, and by the end of this study today, you’re going to realize just how strong you truly are, and how to receive divine power; not just a nice thought or a warm fuzzy feeling – but real and effectual power that makes a difference.

There Are No Barriers to Receiving

Over the years I have read many books and listed to many speakers, teachers and preachers when it comes to receiving the blessings of God; everything from financial prosperity, to prosperity in your body (healing) and a common theme among them is that they all try to enumerate different “steps” that one must complete in order to receive from God. They list things such as unconfessed sin, lack of faith, roots of bitterness, as things which can prevent us from receiving from God.

These things may sound correct, they may seem holy and right, but are they actually want the Bible teaches? Must we indeed cleanse ourselves of all sin before we can receive from God? And if so, how can we do it? This is what we will be studying today. So if you are tired of all the steps and hoops that we are told that we must jump through in order to receive from God, this study today will set you free from that by the Word of God.