All around the world and in every culture, there are memorials. We generally think of a memorial service when we hear the word, and it usually conjures up images of funeral services and mourning. However the word Memorial actually has a much broader definition than that. The noun for memorial simply is defined as ‘something designed to preserve the memory of a person, event, etc.’

The Bible tells us that there are benefits to memorials to remind us of important things. One thing in-particular is an even which has forever changed our nature, and that thing is the death , burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So even though Christmas is over now, and this idea seems very basic to some of you, today we are going to be taking a look at some of the benefits of keeping the remembrance of Christ in our hearts and minds, why it is important and how it benefits us.

Firstly, let’s meditate on this idea for a few moments. Why do we make efforts to remember important events at all? One of the reasons that comes to mind is that we remember tragedies that have occurred in order to stir ourselves up so that similar events never happen again in the future… to keep us focused and motivated on the tasks to be done.

Another example is that we remember good times to warm our hearts and to give ourselves pleasant feelings. Also if we have a favorable result in some task that we are performing, we make an effort to remember exactly what we did in detail so that we can have repeated success in the future.

So we can see that there are real benefits to remembering important events and details. God, of course, knows this as well, and so the Holy Spirit , through Paul, has given us this advice found in 1st Corinthians 15:1-2:

Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you have received, and wherein you stand;
By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached to you, unless you have believed in vain.”

Sadly, not many people actually take this advice. Most do not even think of it, and some have never even heard or read it before. But look at what is being said in these verses… first what is the thing being preached? The Gospel, the good news of Christ, and His finished work for us. That is the thing which we receive, and the truth which we stand upon. It is the truth of the Gospel (the finished work of Christ) which saves us… IF… we keep it in memory.

Now I need to stop right here for a moment and explain an important detail. The word “saved” here in verse two is the word sozo in the Greek, which carries a wide meaning; it does not just mean to save your soul from hell when you die, but it also means to heal, preserve, protect, keep safe, make well and make whole.

By this definition we can now see what the benefits of keeping the remembrance of Christ in our hearts and minds are. But why is this so? Can keeping something in remembrance actually give us all these things? Well, if it’s a mere human remembrance or a worldly event then the answer would be “No”. But since this is God and a Godly piece of advice the answer turns out to be “Yes” in this case. To understand why, we must examine John 8:31-21:

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed;
And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

The word “continue” in the verse here is more properly translated as “remain”… It is a word used in the context of the verse to mean not letting a thing slip or fall away, to avoid decay, to persist in.

In other words, Jesus wants His disciples to persist in and to continue on in His words, to not forget them. Why? Because the more we know (are certain and sure of) His truth, the more free it makes us.

You see my friends, there are many people with good intentions who start their day with Christ on their minds, but then the daily cares of life distract them and the pressures come and they fail to keep the remembrance of His truth and His words in their hearts and minds, and without that sozo, without that protection they crumble and by the end of the day they are broken and defeated.

But when we keep the remembrance of the finished work of Christ with us all the time, then we are standing on sturdy and solid foundation and nothing can shake us. We can rest in His promises and feel totally secure in His love and care for us. Then when we are faced with pressure from this world, we will not be shaken in the slightest because we will be absolutely sure of what we know to be true in Christ Jesus. A marvelous memorial, of a wonderful event, which we can stand secure on for eternity!

The final scripture we are going to read today is Hebrews 4:1-2. There is one thing that we are told to be fearful of. Everything else God says to not be afraid of and to not fear; but this one thing we are told to fear. We are told to be afraid of not entering into His rest for us. Let’s read:

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
For to us was the gospel preached, as well as to them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.”

Missing out on the promise of God, and the rest that comes from being one of His. The security and rest that comes from being His beloved. That is the one thing that we are told to fear.

If you are here today, and you are saying as I once did… “I don’t have that type of security, but I want it!”. Well then my friend, the good news is that right here and right now, you can have it. Simply make a conscious choice to change your mind and start accepting Christ and His promises instead of rejecting Him. Repentance does not require loud screams or gut-wrenching tears. The word repentance in the Greek is metanoia, meaning simply “to change your mind”. Let Christ Jesus be your personal LORD, let His truths change you, and you will prosper from it.

Then you will be unshakable as you keep His truth in remembrance every day. Abide in Him and nothing is impossible.


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