God’s Chastening in the New Covenant

The chastisement of God is a mysterious and frightening thing for many people. Simply mentioning the word ‘chastisement’ conjures up thoughts of severe beatings, pain, suffering, and many other kinds of punishment.

Today we will be looking at God’s chastisement as defined in the scriptures in the light of the New Covenant in Christ. It is through Jesus that things can be clearly seen, and when dealing with something as intimidating as divine chastisement, it benefits us to have the clear perspective of Jesus’ atonement.

Running the Race of Grace: Hebrews 12 Explained

The book of Hebrews is one of the most fascinating and mysterious books of scripture. Not only is the author unknown, but it contains many intriguing references to other events, and a distinct style that compares and contrasts the major covenants.

The book of Hebrews is a letter that is written to the Hebrews; as such, it has many elements that would be obvious to a Hebrew person of that day, but can be confusing to us.

Hebrews chapter twelve, contains powerful imagery about running a race, that can be perplexing and frightening if we don’t understand the message.

Today we examine Hebrews twelve with the lens of grace, and allow the finished work of Christ to bring us clarity.

God’s Discipline in Christ

here are a lot of opinions about the discipline of God. Some believe that He discipline’s His children with sickness, disease, pain and suffering. That’s actually a very common idea among many Christians.

Other’s believe that God doesn’t discipline His children at all.

Which one is true?

Well, it might be difficult to come to an honest conclusion unless we start with the finished work of Christ. Because that absolutely must be the foundation of everything. As long as we start with Jesus Christ, we will have a proper perspective with which to examine this topic.

The truth of the matter is, neither opinion is correct in the New Covenant under Grace in Christ. God does discipline His children, however He does not discipline them with sicknesses, diseases or pain and suffering.

Having me just tell you that though, won’t mean anything unless you can see it for yourself in the scriptures; so today we will be taking a look at exactly how God disciplines His children today, and why you don’t need to be afraid of sickness, disease or pain and suffering as a result of it.