The Bible has a lot to say about a broken heart. Not only does it cause physical problems, but it is a deep trap that can destroy a spirit for eternity if not recognized and corrected. In truth, the remedy for a broken heart is not complicated at all, and the pain does not need to last. The problem comes though because so many people look to the wrong solutions to fix their broken heart – solutions which are not really solutions at all, but only mask the root cause while secretly digging a deeper ditch for the victim to fall into.


Today we will be studying the real solution to a broken heart, Jesus. We will see how He truly is the healing that each one of us needs.


Before we can begin, we must define what a broken heart actually is. Most of us would agree that the main cause of a broken heart is related to matters of love; for example a lost loved one or a relationship break-up. Whatever the cause, the solution is the same, and while you may have heard this before, it is more than just words. It is when the principles become real to you that the truth begins to be seen. So let’s begin our study today by examining Psalms 34:18:


The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.”


Personally I find this verse both comforting and interesting. It is comforting because we can have the assurance that when we are hurting, the LORD is just as near to us in those times as when we are fine. Secondly I find the verse interesting because most of us do not seem to see Jesus as being near to us in those times because of our own perceptions, emotions and ideas getting in the way. Yet it is these very perceptions, emotions and ideas that can lead us astray down a wrong path if we are not on guard.


The way in which this happens is when we have experienced emotional pain in our lives, instead of running to God to let Him heal the pain, we tend to run away from God and even blame Him for the tragedy. This is nothing more than foolishness, coupled a dash of pride and a hint of rebellion thrown in. And while we may feel justified in our actions for a season, the Bible makes no delay in informing us that the end result is destruction and death. Does it really seem wise to walk a path leading to death after experiencing a pain? To me it seems like cutting-off your own nose to spite your face.


So this verse in Psalms 34:18 tells us something important, that the LORD is near and that it is Him who saves (delivers, rescues) those who are contrite. The word contrite means any kind of sincere remorse, regardless of the reason. We can be assured of His closeness, but how do we let Him save us? It may surprise you to learn that most of us do not even give Him the opportunity. As mentioned earlier, many people run to every other thing, looking for that thing to heal them and not giving God the chance He so desperately wants.


I have seen people experience a loss and fall into alcoholism – because they claim that drinking “takes the pain away”, but we know that is just a lie.


I have also seen the same thing with drugs and other addictions.


One of the saddest things is when men and women both enter into ungodly relationships because they are so desperate for love, and then to see the relationship fall apart causing more pain.

My friends, all of these things happen because people are looking for the solution in the wrong place when all the while the truth is that God is near to each of us. So instead of running after these other things which will ultimately only make it worse, our solution is to come to Jesus. So step one is to actually allow Him to work by not trying to fill the void in our lives with worthless things that do not profit. The next step in letting Jesus heal us is found in Matthew 11:28-30:


Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke on you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


This is an often misunderstood saying of Jesus, however when properly comprehended, we see how very wonderful this statement is for us. We see here that Jesus is calling to everyone who is being crushed under the weight of their own self; everyone who is relying on their own effort, and everyone buried under their own emotionalism. We also see that Jesus offers the one thing that we need… His rest, His complete divine peace. And how do we receive this rest? Jesus tells us the answer in the next verse. By taking His yoke upon us and learning of Him. His is the part that most people don’t understand. They see the yoke as a burdensome thing, but in actuality it is nothing more than a training tool. Jesus was using the lingo of the people that He was around, and they understood what He was saying.


The best way to train a team of oxen is to yoke a younger, weaker, less-experienced ox together with an older, stronger, more-experienced ox. As they work together, the younger one will learn the proper way to do things from the older one. This is what Jesus is saying about us. As we follow His guidance found in His Words and teachings, as we learn of Him and see how to do things, we will experience peace and healing for every area of our lives.


Jesus then ends this promise with another promise, that His yoke will never be a burden for us, but light and easy. This is because the stronger ox always carries the majority of the load – and Jesus is always the stronger ox.


So we have learned from this that in order to receive healing and peace from Jesus, we need to stop looking at other things, places, people and comforts for the answer that only He can provide… and then follow Him. I have seen plenty of people claim to follow Jesus Christ but never actually submit to His leadership or guidance. Jesus can give us all the guidance we need, but if we do not actually follow His guidance it will do us no good.


My friends, if today you are suffering a lack of divine rest, if a broken heart is within you and you are looking for a solution, then your solution can only be found in Jesus Christ. Fill that void in with Jesus, and stop looking to other sources which can never truly satisfy.


Come to Jesus, and let Him heal your broken heart.

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