One of the most common questions that comes up today, is that if God is in control, and He’s so good, and we are so blessed, then what’s going on with the world; why does the world seem to be getting worse?

Some people assume that it’s because humanity is a fallen and sinful creation, sheer ignorance, or the devil and his forces of evil! 

Those things are all part of the equation  but not the whole answer!

What if I were to tell you that you are playing the most critical role in the state and direction of the world, and you don’t even realize how! In fact, you are the one with all of the power, and your power  is being used against you without your knowledge.


The Soul Speech Connection

Most people are familiar with Proverbs 4:23, which says Guard your heart with all diligence, because from it flows the issues of life. And we know that your “heart” is actually your soul— your mind, emotions, and will. However this verse is usually quoted in isolation, when the scripture actually continues on to describe more detail. Let’s take look!

Verses 24, 25, and 26 continue verse 23 in a very intriguing way, by saying to put away evil speech. The word “evil” means crooked or in other words, misleading or  not straightforward.

Keep devious speech far from you. The word “devious” means distorted, or a deviation. 

Your words are connected with your soul (mind, will, emotion). Remember that words, and thoughts are incredibly powerful. And this isn’t only referring to the words that we speak, but also the words that we hear.

Jesus gave several warnings about the dangers of what you hear, and it’s an essential part of how you are being taken advantage of without you realizing.

Verse 25 says let your eyes look straight ahead. So the scriptures instruct us to guard our soul (mind, emotion, will) and we do that by guarding speech, and our eyes.


Your Power Used Against You

Why is it so crucial to guard your thoughts, words, ears, and eyes? Because as it says in verse 23, out of these things, life flows. So, what are you issuing life to? If you’re like many people today, you are taking in all of the negativity from every angle— personally, professionally, privately, publicly, and then making that negativity stronger, feeding it more life through your thoughts, meditations, and words. This is how your power is being used against you.

A few weeks ago, we saw how our spiritual enemy the devil actually has no power. But we do his bidding and use our power to accomplish his desires when we react unwittingly to what he feeds us.

Jesus told the Pharisees in John 8:44 that they were of their father the devil, and carry out his will, because they do not believe Jesus. The same thing happens today, when we take in and believe the lies of our day, and the internal guilt and what-not, and then give more life to those things via our responses.

The devil is feeding everyone lies all the time. As Jesus mentions, the devil is a liar and the father of lies. He has no power of his own anymore, so he manipulates those of us with power, and feeds us lies so that we use our belief and creative speaking power to give life to his lies, and they manifest in the world. As proverbs 18:20 says, a person’s belly will be satisfied by the fruit of their mouth.


Repent, and Agree With God

The essential element of the gospel is repentance. The word “repent” in the scriptures means to change your mind— specifically to change your mind to agree with God; to change your thinking and agree with the truth of Jesus Christ, what He has accomplished, and your new identity in Him.

As we focus on Christ , His truth, and our status in Him, we will naturally confess that truth, and    issue life towards Christ’s truth, rather than the negative lies of the enemy.

As Jesus said in Mark 1:15, the time is now, the kingdom of God is here. Repent (change your mind) and believe the Gospel.

Believe the good news of Jesus Christ, His kingdom, and your position in His kingdom and family. As you focus and look straight ahead on Him, you will use your power correctly, and the enemy won’t be able to use you any longer. By using your speech and power to give more life to the truth, you can change the world, and your life, for the better.

Be blessed.

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