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Exploring God’s Character (#1)

You may have heard the popular saying that “Christianity is not just another religion, it’s a relationship” — it’s a true statement at its core. But one question that we should ask, is what kind of relationship are we in, and even more, who are we in a relationship with?

If you don’t know the person you are in a relationship with, it becomes much more challenging, or even impossible to sustain that relationship. Sadly, a great many Christians enter into a relationship with a God they barely know, and continue for years, often dazed and confused when certain things happen or not— and sometimes vehemently arguing for things that do not line up with the revealed character of God in the scriptures. Why does this happen? Simply because they don’t know!

But God wants us to know Him! There’s an entire collection of books in the scriptures designed to show us God’s character and His will. And today I’d like to explore this critical topic with you.

Fulfilled Biblical Prophecies (#2)

Welcome back to the  second part of our series on Fulfilled Biblical prophecies.  In the first part we looked at the fundamental prophecies surrounding Jesus Christ himself; the ultimate prophecies which enable our very salvation.

And now we’re going to continue with some of the essential prophecies that Jesus mentioned Himself, regarding truths of the gospel.

Your Authority in Christ (#3)

Welcome to part three of our series on your authority in Christ. We last took a break over the holidays, after seeing how we have divine authority to accept or reject any thought that comes through our mind… I truly hope that meditating on that truth during the holiday break has blessed you, because it’s an extraordinarily powerful truth!

And now, in this segment, we’re continuing along this line to dive deeper into how this power over thoughts manifests and can be used to achieve victory.

Let’s get started!

Your Authority in Christ (#1)

We’ve spent the previous four studies looking at our relationship with God, and how it touches every aspect of our lives. And now that we understand where we stand, we can move on to the topic of authority.

Authority is another one of those topics that are critical to a successful Christian life, but rarely gets the attention it needs. The scriptures are clear that we have a spiritual enemy, and that we are called to stand in times of attack or pressure. But the scriptures do not call us to stand without any power or recourse.

In truth, Jesus paid a very high price to redeem us, and bring us into a new and better covenant with better promises (Hebrews 8:6) — these promises are not ethereal, nor are they relegated to some unknown future time when we get to heaven. These promises are for here and now when we need them the most. Yet many believers are left completely unaware of all that they have to believe in, due to the aspect of our authority in Christ never being mentioned.

So today we are going to explore the authority Jesus has given to us, for the very purpose of defending and overcoming the spiritual enemy.

Let’s get started!

Your Relationship With God (#4)

Welcome back again to the fourth installment of our series exploring our relationship with God.

We began by looking at the dynamic between Jesus, the scriptures, and the holy spirit.

Then in part two, we saw the pivotal role that Faith plays in our relationship with God, and how coming to him requires not only that we know his character, but we know our status, as redeemed new creations because of his sacrifice.

Then, in the third part, we begin exploring how understanding our relationship and status in Christ affects our perceptions and how we live day-to-day.

Now, we will continue examining how understanding our new nature in Christ changes even how we approach God in prayer, by looking at specific teachings, and examples shown in the scriptures.

Let’s get started.